December 16, 2005
My Birthday

October 21, 2005
First Steps???
Coinneach took 3 steps all on his own last night! Dont know if this counts as his first steps. He has refused to repeate this event since! He has taken the odd step over the last couple of days but we will have to wait and see how long it takes the lazy bones to actually start waking!!
October 19, 2005

October 15, 2005
I can stand!

September 18, 2005
Happy Birthday, Tiernan!
September 15, 2005
Tiernan's stay in hospital
Tiernan has just spent the last few days in A&E after a prolonged bout of sickness. It all started over a week ago when Tiernan was sick towards the later part of the day. This continued for several days and, naturally, we shipped him off to A&E for a quick diagnosis. Everyone at the hospital - junior and senior doctors - was all completely stumped as to the cause.
It was eventually diagnosed as abdominal migraine after 2 days in hospital. Tiernan really, really enjoyed it and did not want to leave; strange, after having needles inserted into his hand, being poked and prodded by an army of doctors and vomiting into little bowler hats.
He is definitely a brave little boy! :-)
He is doing well now and there have been no relapses (fingers crossed)
Graeme & Sarah

August 22, 2005
Im Still Around!

July 24, 2005
Coinneach standing
July 21, 2005
July 20, 2005
July 19, 2005
July 18, 2005
July 17, 2005
July 02, 2005
Troublesome tooth finally through
Hello everyone,
Quick update on the tooth situation: it's arrived! We noticed this morning that one of Coinneach's teeth has finally popped through his gum. We're all glad about that because we think it was hurting him lots.
Will post a picture soon. It's very hard to photograph the inside of a baby's mouth :-)
June 29, 2005
Little crawler!
Hello everyone,
Coinenach has started crawling. The little devil is so efficient already he can crawl from one end of the dining room to the other.
Sarah and Tiernan got a fright the other day when they couldn't find Coinneach. Unbeknownst to them he had crawled underneath the dining room table and was hiding! Clever little fellow. He's already mastered hide-and-seek at 6 1/2 months.
Here are a couple of pics of the master crawler in action...

June 22, 2005
Playing with my friend
June 20, 2005
Hello everyone,
It was about time we introduced the wee man to the delights of food. So we did. His first ever dinner was some utterly disgusting baby rice thatc losely resembled wallpaper paste and some banana. All went well apart from the numerous choking incidents that resulted in Sarah and myself vigoursly slapping Coinneach on the back. For some strange reason that seemed to upset him.
Coinneach has decided that he does not like this mushy stuff we keep trying to give him and has gone straight onto 'real' food he can pick up and eat himself: fish, chicken, pork, potato, carrots, broccoli, cabbage, pear, banana, melon, mango, bread, rice...you name it he'll eat it (only not mushed up!)

June 19, 2005
6 months old!
June 09, 2005
My new toys
June 05, 2005
Playtime in the back garden
Coinneach enjoying a bath in his new seat
Since Coinneach is now capable of sitting on his own unaided, we decide to buy a bath seat. These things are cool because our arms were dying after holding him for 10 minutes in the bath. He really loves the seat and enjoys having staring contents with his brother.
I think we took him by surprise when this picture was taken :-)
Graeme, Sarah, Tiernan & Coinneach

May 28, 2005
Coinneach sitting up
Here are a couple of pictures of Coinneach sitting up. He's been sitting up for the past week and a half, but we never got round to taking pictures of him!
I was quite amazed at how quickly he started sitting up. Not so long ago he was totally disinterested in sitting and then all of a sudden he just started doing it.
He didn't managed to break his brothers record unfortunately. Tiernan was sitting up 3 weeks ago. He must have inherited my laziness :-)
Karen - this is the first time he has worn his New Zealand outfit! It looks great.
Cheerio, Graeme, Sarah, Tiernan and Coinneach
May 23, 2005
May 12, 2005
May 09, 2005
Coinneach Giggling
Coinneach loves a good giggle as this video will testify! We thought you might like to see one of Coinneach's daily giggle sessions - he loves when you pretend to eat him! Strange child he is - dont know where he gets it from (daddy????). Hope you enjoy the movie! Sarah
May 06, 2005
"Hello Daddy" Hello to all, this is my first time posting here! I took this picture the other day when Coinneach was helping me speak to daddy over the internet. However we had to take a break as Coinneach had sore gums and needed to bite on my finger! Anyway, im off now - I just wanted to get my two pence worth in! Sarah

May 02, 2005
Coinneach sucking his thumb
Coinneach sucking his thumb. Awwww...
This picture was actually taken ages ago (can't remember the exact date however). He actually started sucking his thumb one minute after he appeared in this world. I remember him snuggled into my arms just minutes after he was born quite contentedly sucking his tiny thumb. Then he started crying. He was probably wondering what that hairy beast was holding him :-)

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