July 24, 2005

Coinneach standing

The little devil started standing up at the end of our holiday. Here he is enjoying the heady heights of Bristol. He is now cruising around like the little monkey that he is. Nothing is safe in our house any more! Bye, Graeme, Sarah, Tiernan & Coinneach

July 21, 2005

Summer Holiday #5

"Mummy didn't like the boat. She felt sick all the time. It was great and I sucked the seat lots!"

July 19, 2005

Summer Holiday #3

Everyone enjoying the camp-side pub! One Orange-Geena, Tiernan? ;-)

July 18, 2005

Summer Holiday #2

Coinenach really enjoyed the bike ride. He just stared at the wheels constantly.

July 17, 2005

Summer Holiday #1

Here is Coinneach enjoying the delights of the plastic high chair supplied by Eurocamp. Oooooooooo!

July 02, 2005

Troublesome tooth finally through

Hello everyone, Quick update on the tooth situation: it's arrived! We noticed this morning that one of Coinneach's teeth has finally popped through his gum. We're all glad about that because we think it was hurting him lots. Will post a picture soon. It's very hard to photograph the inside of a baby's mouth :-)