May 28, 2005

Coinneach sitting up

Here are a couple of pictures of Coinneach sitting up. He's been sitting up for the past week and a half, but we never got round to taking pictures of him!

I was quite amazed at how quickly he started sitting up. Not so long ago he was totally disinterested in sitting and then all of a sudden he just started doing it.

He didn't managed to break his brothers record unfortunately. Tiernan was sitting up 3 weeks ago. He must have inherited my laziness :-)

Karen - this is the first time he has worn his New Zealand outfit! It looks great.

Cheerio, Graeme, Sarah, Tiernan and Coinneach

May 23, 2005

Snoozing at the wedding of Ian and Lorna This was a few weeks ago but as we havent posted anything for a while....

May 12, 2005

And another... Coinneach and Tiernan watching TV together, very alike aren't they!?
Another picture of the boys
He aint heavy...he's my brother Hello again As requested a picture of both boys. I will post a few more in a bit. Coinneach can now shuffle comando style on his tummy, dont think it will be long till he is crawling around! Anyway, Coinneach is hungry so I'm off! Bye bye, Sarah

May 09, 2005

Coinneach Giggling

Coinneach loves a good giggle as this video will testify! We thought you might like to see one of Coinneach's daily giggle sessions - he loves when you pretend to eat him! Strange child he is - dont know where he gets it from (daddy????). Hope you enjoy the movie! Sarah

May 06, 2005

"Hello Daddy" Hello to all, this is my first time posting here! I took this picture the other day when Coinneach was helping me speak to daddy over the internet. However we had to take a break as Coinneach had sore gums and needed to bite on my finger! Anyway, im off now - I just wanted to get my two pence worth in! Sarah

May 02, 2005


Sarah took this picture a while back. I absolutely love this picture because it looks so arty! I bet Sarah would have to admit that is was totally accidental though :-) He's the cutest baby ever (of course I would say that...)

Coinneach sucking his thumb

Coinneach sucking his thumb. Awwww... This picture was actually taken ages ago (can't remember the exact date however). He actually started sucking his thumb one minute after he appeared in this world. I remember him snuggled into my arms just minutes after he was born quite contentedly sucking his tiny thumb. Then he started crying. He was probably wondering what that hairy beast was holding him :-)

May 01, 2005

Coinneach has been a very happy bunny the last few days. He smiles at alomost anything!