October 21, 2005

First Steps???

Coinneach took 3 steps all on his own last night! Dont know if this counts as his first steps. He has refused to repeate this event since! He has taken the odd step over the last couple of days but we will have to wait and see how long it takes the lazy bones to actually start waking!!

October 19, 2005


Hi, Wanted to post and update you all on our wee man. He is well on his way to walking and can move from one piece of furniture to another by letting go and taking a step or so to grab onto the next bit. He even took a few brave steps towards daddy last night but fell into a crumpled heap on the floor! He can say ta but his new games is to hold out a toy to you, wait till you say ta, snatch it back, say ta and giggle like mad! He still enjoys clapping his hands, waving bye bye and paying peek-a-boo which he has been doing for a few months but no new games apart from those. We will write again soon, Sarah xxxxx

October 15, 2005

I can stand!

Dear all, Just popped in to show you all that I can stand on my own. I have been able to do it for quite a few weeks now but I wouldn’t let mummy and daddy get a photo of me doing it until now. Hehe! I will be 10 months old tomorrow, mummy and daddy think im getting big far too fast but I can’t wait to be like my big brother and run around. Well, im off to bed so I’ll talk to you all again soon. Good night, Coinneach xxx Ps sorry about the big black leaf but I had to cover my dignity!