Happy Birthday to our biggest boy. 8 years old already...wow. Tonight Nana Joan and Granda Ian were round for present opening and cake. Tiernan got a few Transformers and games, plus loads a' money!! Lucky boy. Nana Banana was in London unfortunately and Auntie Sharon was sick! Tiernan requested a toffee cake, so I baked him one, it was yummy...
Well according to our insider sources our house should be ready to move into the first week in November. God I hope thats right as we are so cramped up in this rental place...and the decore...well...those of you who have visited us here will know what I mean!!!!
All the boys are keeping well. Eonan is nearly sitting up (far too young at 3 months), Coinneach is is usual dinosaur mad self and Tiernan is such a big boy now (8 tomorrow). Oh and Graeme and I are good too!
Here are some pictures to keep you going...
Well today Tiernan had his 8th Birthday Party at Sunset Boulevard. The bowling action was superb and we all enjoyed the party. Food was eaten and candles were bown out and then we all went home in the pouring rain! It was a lot different than his last birthday parties in the back garden with the bouncy castle...and the SUN!
Its his birthday on Tuesday so we will post a proper happy birthday then...
Sarah xxx