November 10, 2007

Adobe LightRoom

Doug at my work let me know about an unbelievably cool tool created by Adobe called LightRoom. LightRoom is a tool designed to help phoographers manage and develop large volumes of photographs. It is amazing what you can accomplish with very little training or understanding what is going on behind the scenes. Tell a lie...Doug did give me a 5 minute introduction to the plethora of keyboard shortcuts. I think that is one factor that makes it such an effective tool - the fact that you can develop a photograph via a few keyboad shortcuts.

The image directly below has been cropped from a larger image and had an antique light preset applied to it. Those of you with a sharp eye will also notice the absence of his chin scratch and mole. LightRoom has a fantasic "Heal" feaure that enables you to remove dust spots from a photograph (apparently the bane of all phorographers). I always wondered how they airbrushed supermodels!

Those of you who want further information can visit the LightRoom website at

Cheers, Graeme

I'm famous!

Wow! The BBC News website published one of my photographs from Doonies Farm this week. Check out picture 4 at the following URL:

November 05, 2007

Bonfire night at the beach

Like many of you, we decided to attend the Council run fireworks display at the beach this evening. It's kinda become a bit of an annual event for us which we always thoroughly enjoy. However, poor Coinneach has inherited Tiernan's mortal fear of all things explosive - especially fireworks! He spend most of the evening hudled into our arms screaming his head off. Ahh, what fun. As you can see from the picture below, he developed an interesting technique for blocking out all light and sound. He is a total woosey given his little brother Eonan enjoyed the fireworks display immensely.
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November 04, 2007

Trip to Doonies Farm

This is my bread, don't even think about taking it from me". Coinenach was very keen on feeding the ducks and he did such a good job. By the end of the day, we managed to get through 1 and a half loaves of bread!
Coinneach was quite taken with the pigs - especially this Tamworth pig. I sent this pitcure to the BBS New website in the hope they include it in their weekly "Pictures depicting life around Scoland" article. We'll see.
Everyone feeding the geese and ducks
We never realised that Doonies Farm has more fields across the railway bridge. They have moved the Clydesdale horses over here

I just love this picture. The tongue poking out of the corner of Coinenach's mouth embodies his naughtiness

November 03, 2007

What's up with him?

Man, kids these days need a lot of entertaining!

New camera that takes good pitcures

Right, we were so sick and tired of tolerating mediocre images from our old digital camera that we decided to buy a spangly new one - a Canon EOS 400D SLR. It is a fantastic camera that takes amazing pitcures. No more waiting 3 days for it to take a picture that comes out underexposed and all blurred. You get instantaneous shots that come out crystal clear. Even I can take good pictures with this camera. Just to prove it, I've included a selection below:

A cute shot of Eonan

Awwww...all smiley looking at Mummy

Wonder what he has been eating?

"Look at my new pyjamas!"

A natural shot of Tiernan albeit a little fuzzy

"Yeah, it's a pig, so what?"

Canon website link.