Hello all, Eonan is 4 months old today! He is nearly sitting up all by himself and is still a happy chap. Well apart from at night when he likes to wake up every 2 hours. He will be moving into his own room when we move to the new house at the end of November.
House is coming on now. Just the kitchen and bathrooms to put in and the finishing touches. I hope they get a move on as I am itching to move now. We have got all our new appliances and furniture, just need a house to put it in.
Tiernan is really looking forward to moving as it will mean he can get the bus to school. Also it will mean that it is nearer to christmas and santa will be packing up ready for his deliveries. We have told santa the new address so the house better be ready or he might not deliver Coinneach, Tiernan and Eonans presents!
sarah and the boys xx
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