October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween

Its Halloween and we have been having fun. We had a little party tonight with Nana Joan, Granda Ian, Nana Banana, Michelle, Mummy and Daddy. Tiernan was dressed as a ghost pirate and Coinneach and Eonan were both skeletons, scary. We bob-ed for apples, ate donuts hanging from a string without using our hands (although Coinneach cheated and used his!), we ate spooky food and jumped around until 9 o'clock (on a school night!) Oh yeah and Tiernan went out 'trick ot treating' for the first time and brought back a HUGE bucket of sweets, yum yum. Here are some pictures we took. They are a bit blured as they are action shots! Oh yeah and mummies make up ran a little so dont laugh! Happy Halloween, Tiernan, Coinneach and Eonan xxxx

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